Subscribers can now keep their existing phone number and receive “trade-in” credit for their existing VoIP Device
Miami – InPhonex, a leading supplier of internet telephony solutions, today announced that they will immediately begin to offer Local Number Portability which allows customers to move their phone service to InPhonex and keep their existing phone number. In response to customer demand to transfer their current phone number, the InPhonex Portability Program makes it easy for the consumer to leave their existing phone service provider without losing their phone number.
In addition, the company has launched a “trade-in program” which allows customers who currently subscribe to Vonage or other VoIP service providers to trade in their existing VoIP device for credit towards an InPhonex phone adaptor.
”Today’s market conditions require us to respond to the customers needs and that includes helping them change from their current service provider”, said Todd Hirshorn, InPhonex Chief Marketing Officer. “In the recent past, we have received a substantial increase of requests from customers who wish to switch their phone service to InPhonex.”
Consumers can now check if their phone number is portable, place their order to port their number and learn more about the device trade-in program at www.inphonex.com.
About InPhonex
Founded in 2003, InPhonex is a leading provider of proven, high quality internet telephony services and infrastructure for business and residential users worldwide.
Headquartered in Miami, InPhonex is a privately held company with technical data centers in Miami and Virginia serving 150 countries. For more information on InPhonex, visit http://www.inphonex.com/main/about-us.php